A Year of Pattern



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What's this all about?

  • For 365 days (Beginning March 20, 2015) Alex Radin is releasing 8" x 8" original oil paintings influenced by pattern, which can be purchased at an incredible price of $265 all costs included (Includes International Orders) at this current rate. Final pricing will be $365 per share .
    These paintings are studies as preparation for his upcoming exhibit Kaleidoscopic Symphony.
  • There are no limits as to how many shares you can buy, but once 365 are sold, there will be no more available.

How it works

  • You purchase however many shares you like for the going share price.
  • We post paintings right here on the paintings page.
    Paintings began being posted on the first day of spring, March 20, 2015. 
  • The first shareholder to claim the painting after it is posted, gets it.
    You can click on the painting image and scroll to the comments section of that piece and say "I'm Claiming It!" right there or you can call 843-270-3137, text message or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and the winner will be awarded based on the earliest time stamped message (Eastern Standard Time). Part of the fun of all this is you will be surprised as each new painting is released and have the opportunity to race for the chance to claim it before someone else does.
  • Pieces are shipped out (after they are fully dry) at the end of each week and will arrive in the mail 3 to 5 days later for US orders. International shipping will take longer. It's that simple.
    You will be notified when your piece has shipped. Remember they are oil paintings so they will take some time to dry.

Can I see some of the paintings before purchasing?

  • Absolutely! You can view the ones that have already been posted on the paintings page so that you know what you can expect stylistically from this series.
    If you are not already familiar with Alex Radin's work you can also visit his website